Mom & Dad took me on a long boring car ride through the middle of nowhere and then said "Hey Pratt, we're in California!"
The first place we went with Grandma & Grandpa Hardy, Uncle Tom & Aunt Serena was Ruby's, a burger joint out on a pier above the water. I tried to get to the food the whole time but Mom & Dad kept holding me back!
The first place we went with Grandma & Grandpa Hardy, Uncle Tom & Aunt Serena was Ruby's, a burger joint out on a pier above the water. I tried to get to the food the whole time but Mom & Dad kept holding me back!
It was my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean, and all I could think is "That is one sweet awesome bath tub, let me in!"
Out in front of Ruby's; yeah, it was a lot more fun on the inside, can you see how crazy the wind was? I told Dad to hurry up and take the flippin' picture!
As if standing on a pier with a huge crosswind wasn't enough, everyone wanted a photo op on the beach! I did have more fun than it looks like I did though. I was just being dramatic for the camera :)
Finally we went to our home base for the next couple nights. It was a sweet vacation home. We're on the back porch now, looking out toward the ocean. In the top left corner you can even see Ruby's out in the distance!
The next day we went to some place called Disney Land...
To Be Continued
To Be Continued
How fun, update soon so we know if Pratt loved disneyland or not. Tell him Emmett will be jealous!