Most of Tuesday August 4th was spent going through the early stages of labor consisting of contractions every 5 to 10 minutes.
Around 8 PM we finally decided with our midwife, Dinah, to come to the birthing center. Once we got there we found out I was only dilated to a 2 1/2. The midwife sent us home to hopefully get some rest through the night.
After being home for a few hours, my contractions started to intensify; so we made the 25 minute drive back to the birthing center. At around 12:30 AM we discovered that I was dilated to a 3. We were somewhat discouraged with the lack of progress.
We spent the night at the birthing center. I spent most of that time laboring in a tub. It was during this time that I understood why so many women decide to go the epidural route. I somehow made it to the morning with the help of my husband.
Around 7:30 AM, Dinah let us know that I actually made progress and was dilated to a 7. It was at that moment, I knew I could make it through the rest of labor. It was a relief to know I was progressing.
I continued through the day dancing to Bob Marley, taking a couple of relaxing showers, drinking lots of water, and moving through contractions.
Close to 3 PM I started the pushing phase.
Around 6 PM, our midwives, Dinah and Ginger, informed us that we may need to transfer to the hospital because I was not making much progress. Thankfully, mine and the baby's vitals were great so that was not a concern. While Dinah worked on contacting her backup doctor, I worked on pushing.
A little after 7 PM, I had actually made enough progress that it would not be possible to transfer and Dinah said we were staying!
After pushing for 5 hours in almost every position possible our little baby emerged. Dinah handed me our baby and Scott announced that we had a sweet boy.
At 8:15 PM August 5th, Pratt Del Brady entered our world weighing 7 lbs 2 oz. and 21 in. long. As I held our boy in our arms, all I could say and think was "We did it!" Birth is truly a miraculous event. I felt so empowered by this marathon birth.
Our midwife Dinah is on my left. Ginger, in the back, is another midwife who came to assist with the birth.